I remember sitting in lectures at business school and thinking “why doesn’t my professor have any real life experience”?! It was an honor for me to share my real life business experiences with these future entrepreneurs.
— George Stroumboulis


I was asked to speak to the Business School students at the Hellenic American University in Athens, Greece with the Director of Business Programs, Pete Tsolis. Speaking about my experience as the co-founder and CEO of Ideoli Group, I was excited to join this class and the staff to talk about my experiences from starting the company with my business partner, all the challenges faced, the successes achieved, and what that meant doing it on an international basis.

This workshop is an initiative under a new B-Cube initiative of Hellenic American University on the skills and competencies needed to lead in different cultures.

Hellenic American University was established as a non-profit, United States institution of higher education through an Act of the General Court of the State of New Hampshire. Hellenic American University is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) and operates two instructional locations: one in Nashua, New Hampshire and the other in Athens, Greece.

Speaking to the students at the American Hellenic University in Athens, Greece.


Studying business in Athens, Greece can offer students a unique and rewarding experience. Here are some reasons why Athens is a great place to learn business:

  1. Historical Significance: Athens is a city with rich historical and cultural significance. It is known as the birthplace of democracy, philosophy, and Western civilization. Studying business in such a historically significant city can provide students with a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of the global business landscape.

  2. Strategic Location: Greece is strategically located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Athens, as the capital city, serves as a hub for international business and trade. It provides students with exposure to a diverse range of industries, markets, and opportunities. The city's proximity to major European markets and its connections with neighboring countries make it an ideal location for business studies.

  3. Vibrant Business Environment: Athens has a vibrant and dynamic business environment. It is home to numerous multinational companies, as well as a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem. Students studying business in Athens can benefit from networking opportunities, internships, and potential career prospects. The city's business community offers a wealth of knowledge and experiences to learn from.

  4. Academic Institutions: Athens boasts several prestigious universities and business schools that offer excellent business programs. Institutions like the Athens University of Economics and Business and the ALBA Graduate Business School provide high-quality education and research opportunities. Students can benefit from the expertise of experienced faculty members and the diverse student body.

  5. Cultural and Social Experience: Athens offers a vibrant cultural and social scene. Students can immerse themselves in the city's rich history, explore ancient landmarks like the Acropolis, visit museums, and experience the lively Greek culture. The city also hosts various events, festivals, and conferences, providing opportunities for students to engage with professionals and gain exposure to different industries.

  6. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Greece has a growing entrepreneurial spirit, with many startups and innovation-driven ventures emerging in Athens. Students studying business can tap into this ecosystem, learn about entrepreneurship, and potentially get involved in exciting startup ventures. The city provides an inspiring environment for aspiring entrepreneurs to learn and grow.

  7. Networking Opportunities: Athens serves as a meeting point for professionals, entrepreneurs, and business leaders. Students can take advantage of various networking events, conferences, and industry gatherings to build connections and expand their professional network. These connections can be valuable for future career opportunities and collaborations.

  8. Mediterranean Lifestyle: Athens offers a high quality of life and a pleasant Mediterranean lifestyle. The city boasts beautiful weather, delicious cuisine, and a relaxed atmosphere. Students can enjoy the city's outdoor activities, explore the Greek islands, and experience a laid-back yet culturally rich lifestyle.

Overall, studying business in Athens, Greece provides students with a blend of academic excellence, cultural enrichment, networking opportunities, and exposure to a diverse business environment. It offers a unique and rewarding experience that can shape their future career paths.

Speaking to the students at the American Hellenic University in Athens, Greece.

Explaining the struggles of working in international markets and managing a global team across 6 countries.