Celebrating 40 Episodes of "Invigorate Your Business" Podcast with George Stroumboulis

In Athens, a milestone moment occurred: the recording of the 40th episode of my podcast, Invigorate Your Business with George Stroumboulis. When I started this journey, my original goal was modest—to reach just 10 episodes. What began as an experiment quickly became a platform for growth, both personally and professionally.

My intention behind the podcast was to step out of my comfort zone, connect with new people, and share business insights that could inspire others. Along the way, I found myself interviewing remarkable guests, each offering unique perspectives on entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation. Recording the 40th episode is a significant achievement for me, as it reflects the power of perseverance and curiosity.

The beauty of this journey has been capturing conversations in different corners of the globe, from the vibrant streets of Athens to bustling cities like New York and London, as well as serene spots in Norway and Canada. My frequent travels for work created the perfect opportunity to record episodes in diverse environments, adding richness and variety to the discussions.

Pushing myself to consistently deliver content, even while traveling, allowed me to embrace the serendipity of new experiences and expand my network across industries and geographies. This milestone reminds me that with dedication and the willingness to keep learning, goals that once seemed distant are always within reach.

Here's to the next 40 episodes—and to continuously invigorating your business, one conversation at a time.

My intention behind the podcast was to step out of my comfort zone, connect with new people, and share business insights that could inspire others.

Filming the 40th episode. So much fun along the way.


Launching a podcast can be an exciting way to share your ideas, expertise, or passion with a global audience. Here are the essential steps to get started on creating a successful podcast:

1. Define Your Concept and Audience

  • Purpose: What is the core theme or purpose of your podcast? Clarify whether you are focusing on business, lifestyle, technology, or a niche topic.

  • Target Audience: Identify who your listeners will be and what value they will get from your content.

  • Unique Angle: With thousands of podcasts available, it’s crucial to differentiate yours. Consider a unique angle or perspective that hasn't been explored in depth.

2. Plan Your Content

  • Episode Structure: Decide on a consistent format—will it be interviews, solo episodes, panel discussions, or something else?

  • Length and Frequency: Choose how long each episode will be and how often you will release new content (e.g., weekly, biweekly).

  • Episode Ideas: Brainstorm a list of potential episode topics, titles, and guests you want to feature.

3. Choose the Right Equipment

  • Microphone: Invest in a good quality microphone. USB mics like the Blue Yeti or XLR mics like the Shure SM7B are popular choices.

  • Headphones: Use headphones to monitor audio during recording and editing.

  • Recording Software: Audacity, GarageBand, or paid options like Adobe Audition can help you record and edit your podcast.

4. Record and Edit

  • Quiet Environment: Ensure you’re recording in a quiet space with minimal background noise.

  • Editing Software: Use software like Audacity or GarageBand to remove any awkward pauses, mistakes, or background noise. Add music or sound effects for transitions.

5. Publish and Host

  • Podcast Hosting: You need a podcast hosting platform like Buzzsprout, Libsyn, or Anchor, which will generate an RSS feed and distribute your episodes to major platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

  • Show Notes: Write up concise show notes with timestamps, episode highlights, and guest information.

6. Promote Your Podcast

  • Social Media: Leverage platforms like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to promote new episodes.

  • Email Newsletter: Build a mailing list to keep your audience engaged and informed about new episodes or updates.

  • Collaborations: Consider guest appearances on other podcasts or bring on influential guests to increase exposure.

7. Measure and Improve

  • Analytics: Use podcast analytics from your hosting platform to understand listener demographics, episode popularity, and growth trends.

  • Feedback: Encourage feedback from your audience and apply it to improve future episodes.

By staying consistent, engaging with your audience, and continuously refining your content, you'll have the foundations to grow a successful podcast.


"Invigorate Your Business with George Stroumboulis" is a podcast that began with a personal goal to reach 10 episodes, but it quickly grew beyond that as I embraced the opportunity to connect with inspiring individuals from around the world. This podcast is about pushing boundaries, stepping out of comfort zones, and leveraging the power of conversations to revitalize how businesses think and operate.

The journey started from a desire to share insights on entrepreneurship, leadership, and personal development, but what I discovered was the real magic that happens when you sit down with people, listen to their stories, and exchange ideas. What was initially a small project evolved into a global series, with episodes recorded in dynamic locations such as Canada, the USA, Greece, England, Norway, and more. Each place added a new layer of experience and perspective to the conversations, making the podcast a rich tapestry of international business insights.

By filming episodes during my travels, I not only took advantage of my time in new environments but also expanded my network and perspective. Invigorate Your Business has become a platform to inspire others to think globally, grow strategically, and take bold steps in their business journey.

I started with the goal of reaching 10 episodes, but the passion for these conversations fueled the growth to over 40 episodes, including the milestone 40th episode recorded in Athens. The podcast now serves as a testament to the importance of persistence, learning from others, and continually pushing yourself to meet new people and hear their stories.

Through this podcast, I aim to invigorate your business by sharing valuable insights, lessons from the trenches, and advice from some of the most driven people I've had the privilege to meet.

SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1rW2CmxQoiJNEPOZupJlvd
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/Stroumboulis
APPLE iTUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/invigorate-your-business-with-george-stroumboulis/id1607693240
AMAZON MUSIC: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/8fc03929-71b3-483a-a64e-153e30b3d462/invigorate-your-business-with-george-stroumboulis
STROUMBOULIS SITE: https://www.stroumboulis.com/podcast
PODCAST SITE: http://www.invigorateyourbusiness.com


As of 2023, there are over 5 million active podcasts available globally across platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. These podcasts span a wide range of genres, from business to entertainment, and new ones continue to be launched at an impressive rate. Major podcast platforms like Spotify host over 3.2 million podcasts, while Apple Podcasts lists 2 million shows. However, it’s important to note that many of these podcasts only have a few episodes, reflecting how some projects are started but not continued long-term.

The growth of the podcasting industry shows no signs of slowing, with the number of listeners increasing significantly. For example, in the U.S. alone, 144 million people listen to podcasts each month, with 28% of the population tuning in weekly