Internship at the European Union Business Center in Corfu, Greece

Taking scribbles on a napkin and having to convert this into a comprehensive business plan was my job.
— George Stroumboulis


During my internship in Kerkyra (Corfu), Greece, I had an incredible experience. At the age of 19, I moved to Corfu and worked for the European Union Business Development Office for a year. My role involved assisting entrepreneurs from the Ionian Islands, a group of 7 islands, in securing funding from the European Union to kickstart their businesses.

My responsibilities included helping them create marketing plans, business strategies, and comprehensive business plans. It was an eye-opening and rewarding experience to witness the process of transforming ideas into actionable projects. During that period, funding from the EU was readily available, and entrepreneurs like 'Barba Spiro' would casually drop by our office.

I vividly remember instances where entrepreneurs would unfold their business plans, often scribbled on a napkin, with ambitious goals like '300 rooms' and a need for €20 million. My challenge was to turn these rough concepts into cohesive documents that could be taken seriously. Surprisingly, many of these projects received funding during that time.

It was a fascinating journey, and I played a role in helping turn these entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

I spent 1 year working in Corfu at the European Union Business Development Center helping people build their marketing and business plans to get funding from the EU.


Corfu, being a part of Greece and a member of the European Union (EU), offers opportunities for businesses to access EU funding programs to support their growth and development. These EU funding initiatives are designed to promote economic development, innovation, and entrepreneurship within the region. Here's an overview of funding opportunities for businesses in Corfu from the EU:

  1. European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF): The ESIF is one of the primary sources of EU funding for businesses in Corfu. It includes various funds, such as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). These funds support projects that aim to boost economic growth, create jobs, enhance competitiveness, and improve the overall quality of life in the region.

  2. Horizon Europe: This is the EU's flagship research and innovation program. It provides funding for businesses in Corfu and across the EU to engage in research and innovation activities, develop new technologies, and drive scientific advancements. Companies can participate in collaborative research projects, innovation partnerships, and pilot activities.

  3. COSME (Programme for the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises): COSME is dedicated to strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the EU. It offers financial support, access to markets, and capacity-building initiatives to help Corfu-based SMEs grow and expand.

  4. European Investment Bank (EIB) Financing: The EIB provides financing and loans to support projects that contribute to EU policy objectives, including economic development and sustainability. Corfu businesses can explore EIB financing options for investments in various sectors.

  5. Interreg Programmes: Corfu is geographically situated in a way that makes it eligible for participation in cross-border and transnational cooperation programs. These Interreg programmes aim to strengthen regional partnerships, encourage innovation, and promote economic development across borders.

  6. European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF): Given Corfu's coastal location, businesses involved in the maritime and fisheries sectors may have access to funding under the EMFF. This fund supports sustainable fisheries, aquaculture, and the development of coastal communities.

  7. EUREKA Network: EUREKA is a pan-European network that supports businesses in Corfu and other EU regions in collaborative research and development projects. It facilitates partnerships with companies from other EU member states to drive innovation and competitiveness.

  8. Erasmus+ Programme: While primarily known for its focus on education and training, Erasmus+ also supports businesses by providing opportunities for employee training and international cooperation. Companies in Corfu can benefit from the program's workforce development initiatives.

To access EU funding for businesses in Corfu, it's essential for entrepreneurs and organizations to stay informed about available programs, eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and the specific requirements of each funding initiative. Local authorities, business associations, and EU information centers can provide valuable guidance and assistance in navigating the application process and securing EU funding for business projects in Corfu.