Lady Accidentally Falls on Subway Tracks During Rush Hour – a New Yorker Would Laugh, Look or Leap?

Sure, New Yorkers are perceived as being cut throat, self-centered, aggressive, vocal… well, pretty much assholes! Maybe this is true, but at least these assholes step it up when someone is in need of help… like for example, when a middle-aged woman accidentally falls on the subway tracks during rush hour on a major subway line.

Wait, wait, wait… a woman fell on the subway tracks? What did the New Yorkers do? Laugh… look… or leap?

The Setting

It was just after 7PM in the winter of 2014 and the location was Columbus Circle (Timer Warner Center) at 59th Street. This is my subway stop where I would get off and walk over to 57th and 11th to go home.

Someone Fell on the Subway Tracks?

As I got off the train and started to take my first step to go up the stairs, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a big white blur fall over. After I took one more step up, I realized that something or someone either fell or jumped onto the tracks. Running over immediately, I saw dozens of New Yorkers crowd around to witness a middle-aged woman laying on her back with a few grocery bags scattered around – obviously in pain from the 6-foot drop.

So, What Did the New Yorkers Do?

Naturally… they LEAPED! By the time I got to the edge of the platform, there was already a younger guy who jumped down on the tracks to help (yes, he was fearless). As I jump to the edge to help grab her and hoist her up, all I recall were dozens of hands on my legs and body holding me to not go over while we pulled her up. In addition to that, I noticed at least a couple dozen other hands all over the place working to bring her up quickly before the next train would come screeching down making the situation deadly. Within 30 seconds, she was up on the platform, disoriented and thankful to be alive.

New Yorkers Are… British? Canadian? American? Everything!

Subway-Fallen-Tracks-New-York-City-Passenger-Columbus-Circle-Metro-Stroumboulis-BouliBrand - Copy.jpg

The young lad who jumped in first was the last to get out of the tracks. As we pulled him up… I stood and high-fived him so hard and told him how fucking awesome he was. In true British fashion (and accent), he dusted off his jacket and pants, looked at me and said… “she’s sorted mate”… and off we all went, like nothing had happened.

Moral of the Story

When push comes to shove, people come together in this city. I have heard countless stories like this over the years (most notably being the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks) but to have experienced an example first hand, made me very fortunate to be a part of. This solidified my place in this city as a “New Yorker”.

Beware of falling commuters.